The opt-out consumer: why responsible advertising matters

Presentation, Q&A

Watch our on-demand webinar for a discussion and Q&A with Forrester on the future of responsible advertising.

  • Protecting consumer privacy is no longer negotiable. But neither is delivering great outcomes from advertising.

    How can we create an industry that builds consumer trust, protects user privacy, and avoids a ‘reject all’ to the advertising industry?

    Watch our on-demand webinar for a discussion and Q&A, with Kelsey Chickering, Principle Analyst at Forrester, on the future of responsible advertising.

    Watch this panel session to: 

    • Get a snapshot of the biggest privacy and user consent trends impacting the advertising ecosystem.
    • Discover how leading publishers, advertisers, and adtech platforms are overcoming the deprecation of third-party data coupled with regulatory pressures.
    • Learn from guest Kelsey Chickering, Principal Analyst at Forrester, about how B2C brands are building mindful media strategies that are proactive, values-based, and innovative.