
How to take control of your data with Publisher IDs

August 06, 2021 1 min read

  • Rico Rosa

    Customer Success Manager at Permutive

  • Publisher data fuels the digital advertising industry, but this data is often packaged up and sold by third parties, resulting in publishers losing ownership of their data and compromising user privacy.

    Publishers can take back control of their data by building a publisher ID to understand and activate users across sites; those that do can achieve performance and privacy, with no trade-offs. Focusing on authentication alone won’t be enough, and workarounds won’t survive. Safe targeting using the publisher’s first-party data is a sustainable solution that doesn’t aggregate publisher data, protects user privacy, and allows data owners to control their data and their fate.

    At a recent customer-only event, Kayleen Ohneck, Director, Verified Data and Technology at Publicis Media, shared her views on identity strategies, the synchronicity between how publishers and advertisers approach identity frameworks, and why advertisers should not put cookieless testing on the back burner.

    Watch the full session below: